So I haven't written in a while; packing, Christmas, moving, trying to get settled in - I have been busy! We are liking the new house and area. It's like the best of both worlds. Not too crowded (like Wesley Chapel was getting) but not too country either. We've got almost everywhere I would want or need to shop on a regular basis right near by. And then Atlanta's only like 30 mins away!
Getting used to things weather related has been interesting! I really can't believe how different Georgia is from Florida and it's only one state away (lol). Things like needing to let the water drip so the pipes don't freeze is always fun. We've learned our lesson three times now so far! :) Then, our car battery died and we had to get it replaced. OH, and I can't forget when the heater froze so we didn't have any heat. NOT COOL. Shall I mention the washer that wasn't properly hooked up and the first time we tried to use it... - well, the laundry room got soaked - Thank God it was a separate room of the house, though, right? :) You might be interested to know, too, that Lillian put BOTH our power plugs to our computers in her mouth and they BOTH stopped working - on the same day. LOL. Chad got his replaced for free, thankfully, and mine miraculously started working a few days later. She is in to everything these days... (Oh, and she unharmed from putting cord in her mouth, in case you were wondering!)
Aside from the minor mishaps and difficulties, our life here in Georgia has been pretty smooth. I love the weather, and the pretty scenery that is all around us. We have a large yard and there are always a bunch of birds that just congregate in our yard and chirp and sing. I DO miss being able to just call up one of my friends and hang out, though. We are working on trying to find some friends up here...
We do love our church and our youth group, and things are coming along VERY well so far. We are really pleased with how well the youth is coming along. I started working for the church this week (only 5hrs/wk). I am enjoying it and Lillian is enjoying the change of scenery during the day, too.
Here's an update on Lilly: She talking A LOT saying her dada's and doda's and dodee's and all the little sounds she makes, although she is not very quiet about it! :) She is trying SUPER hard to say dog, too. And it is really starting to sound like it! :) She points at Princess and tries to say it (lol). She has been crawling for a while now, and she walks along the furniture and makes her way around the house, getting in to anything and everything she can reach! She has stood by herself several times for approximately 30 seconds, so I think walking is in the near future. Babies change sooo much in the first year; it really is amazing. Well, it really just shows how amazing GOD is!
Well, that's it for now, but I do have other things I'd like to talk about - so, hopefully I can get around to blogging about them. For instance, I've been doing really well cooking at home (mainly bc we haven't had the money to dine out! lol), and I'd like to share a little about it.
Stay tuned.