Sunday, September 28, 2008


So, all this new blog reading has inspired me to get organized. How am I going to do it? Well, I purchased this calendar to start. It is a post-it calendar that I got at Target. Isn't it beautiful? It is set up to be a weekly calendar, but I modified it to be monthly to fit our needs. 
Some may call me old-school for not going digital, but using this helps for me to visualize things as I walk around the house. And, it so colorful and pretty... it makes me want to use it. :) Not to mention I am a sucker for (ok, semi-obsessed with) post-it notes. 
What do I want to organize? 1. Bill paying, 2. Upcoming events/birthdays, etc., 3. Meal planning.
Number one and two have been slipping my mind way too easily lately and I need to make a change if I am going to get them in order! Number three is really my new venture. We have always been the kind of people that decide what we are going to eat at 6:00 in the evening when I'm supposed to be cooking dinner already. Many times that has ended up in "I don't feel like cooking tonight, want to eat out?" and lots of money spent and food in the refrigerator/pantry wasted. I want to eliminate this. I have read lately about how meal-planning can help you save money because you already know what you are going to eat during the week, so you already have a plan - and don't get sucked in to dining out. Aside from that, my husband gets frustrated when I ask him 'what do you want to eat?' at dinner time -- after he's spent a long day at work. He's like 'you don't already have that figured out?' So, I am going to try to be a good wife and get on the ball. hehe
Why are we trying to save money? Other than being like every other American who is suffering from the way the economy is right now, we have another challenge. My husband and I had our first baby girl on April 23rd of this year, and I am trying to do my best to stay home with her. Cutting our budget is key to meet that goal!
Back to menu planning: So September 29th marks the beginning of week one on our menu-planning venture and we are looking forward to roast, spaghetti, tacos, and chicken. Yum. The stinky part of starting this week, though, is that next week we are going on vacation. BUT, better to start now than never, right? At least I am telling myself that. 


Anonymous said...

"Some may call me old-school for not going digital, but using this helps for me to visualize things as I walk around the house."

You know, some of the most well known blogging "organizers"/GTDers are sticking to analog. Whatever helps you get it out of your head and remember to do it when it needs to be done, that's what you should use. Personally, though, I can't wait to get an iPhone for this. My Blackberry is basically a paperweight except for it's awesome push email. Good first post! Love ya!

Danielle said...

wow. Just viewing the pictures on smitten kitchen will make you hungry! Thanks for supporting me. :)
In my next post I will let you know how I got started on the menu planning.

<3 Danielle